Holla, gals and pals who enjoy my ramblin'z ;D Today, I was jammin' with some of my peeps, and 'Like A G6' came on the speakers.
Bein' completely unaware of what a G6 is, I decided to Urban Dictionary- it, and LEMME JUS' SAY, an adventure through Urban Dictionary is not something you want to take lightly. Methinks I'm mentally and emotionally scarred from deh awful things I saw >.O
Anywho, according to Urban Dictionary, a G6 is a slang reference to a Gulfstream G650, a twin-engine jet airplane manfactured by Gulfstream Aerospace.
If you're like meh, and that went, like, RIGHT over your head, let me dumb it down for y'all: It's a pimpin' jet that only ballers, rappers, uber-famous people, and really lucky executives are FLY enough to get drunk on.
Other cool words I found:
Slizzard: means to get wasted, loaded, or just so drunk you can't string two words together c;
Food baby: when you eat so much, you feel like you're gonna POP A BABY OUT.
Anyone got any weird words they'd like to share? :3
'Til I get bored, peepz,
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