STOP. Hammer time c;
Holla, dudes and dolls. I'm Katharine, the fantabulous creator of this blog, and the cutest thing since sliced bread, if you can't tell that from my profile picture ;D
I'm a writer, and that was the main purpose for the birth of this blog -- my writing. Info on my projects, writing tips, and books I'm currently reading will be posted, along with dumb shiznit no one's gonna want to read 8D
I live in Canada. Canada is cold. But... we have a candy-cane-coloured flag. Which clearly beats everythin' else :3
I really like messages and random creepers. So creep to your hearts' content (;
Really, that's all you need to know... but I'll probably post more as this whole thang gets rollin'.
Enjoy, m'loves =]